Ayfer Veziroğlu
President and CFO (USA)

Frano Barbir
Executive VP for Division and Student Chapters(USA)

Bruno G. Pollet
Executive VP and Spokesperson (Canada)

Giuseppe Spazzafumo
Executive VP for Conferences (Italy)

Hirohisa Uchida
VP and Award Committee Chair(Japan)

Zong Qiang Mao
VP (China)

Juan Carlos Bolcich Bariloche
VP (Argentina)

Detlef Stolten
VP (Germany)

Vladimir Linkov
VP (South Africa)

Alexander Y. Ramenskiy
VP (Russia)

Eniya Listiani Dewi

İnci Eroğlu

David Hart

Olivier Joubert

Paulo Emílio de Miranda

Nazim Muradov

Byeong Soo Oh
(South Korea)

SA Sherif
Ayfer Veziroğlu
President and CFO (USA)
Frano Barbir
Executive VP for Division and Student Chapters(USA)
Bruno G. Pollet
Executive VP and Spokesperson of IAHE
Giuseppe Spazzafumo
Executive VP of Conference Management of IAHE
Ayfer Veziroğlu
President and CFO (USA)
Frano Barbir
Executive VP for Division and Student Chapters(USA)
Bruno G. Pollet
Executive VP and Spokesperson of IAHE
Giuseppe Spazzafumo
Executive VP of Conference Management of IAHE
Juan Carlos Bolcich
VP (Argentina)
Eniya Listiani Dewi
İnci Eroğlu
David Hart
Olivier Joubert
Vladimir Linkov
VP (South Africa)
Zong Qiang Mao
VP (China)
Paulo Emílio de Miranda
Nazim Muradov
Byeong Soo Oh
(South Korea)
Alexander Y. Ramenskiy
VP (Russia)
SA Sherif
Detlef Stolten
VP (Germany)
Hirohisa Uchida
VP and Award Committee Chair (Japan)
John W. Sheffield
Hossam El Nazer
Luis A. Avaca
Universidade de São Paulo, Inst. De Fisica e Química de São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil
Dr. Erno Balogh
Hungarian Energy Association H-1027 Budapest, Fo u 68., Hungary
Khalid Benhamou
Sahara Wind Inc. 32, Rue Lalla Meryem Souissi, Rabat, 10100, Morocco
Roger E. Billings
Energy Innovations Inc. 26900 E. Pink Hill Road, Independence, MO 64057-3284, U.S.A.
David L. Block
Florida Solar Energy Center 1679 Clearlake Rd Cocoa FL 32922-5703 USA
Harry W. Braun III
Sustainable Partners International 5093 Mountain Gate Circle Lakeside, Arizona 85929 USA
Cenk Celik
Associate Professor University of Kocaeli Engineering Faculty Mechanical Engineering Department Thermodynamics and Heat Techniques Division 41380, Umuttepe-Kocaeli, Turkey
Ping Chen
National University of Singapore Physics Department, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 117542
Alfonso Contreras
Dpto. Quimica Aplicada a la Ingenieria E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales de la UNED Ciudad Universitaria s/n 28040 Madrid, Spain
L. M. Das
Centre for Energy Studies Indian Institute of Tech. Haaz Khas New Delhi, 110016 India
Dmitry Dunikov
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhorskaya 13, building 2, Moscow, 125412 Russia
William J.D. Esche
218 Nale Drive, Madison, AL 35758-6614, USA
Daniel Fruchart
CNRS Crystallography Laboratory Institut Neel BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9 France
G. P. Godon
French Hydrogen Association Maison de la Chimie 28 rue St. Dominique 75007 Paris, France
Jinlong Gong
Tianjin University 135 Yaguan Road, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350, China
Dr. Ziya B. Güvenç
Cankaya University, 06530 Balgat, Ankara Turkey
Milan M. Jaksic
Univ. Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture Zemun Nemanjina 6 POB 127, 1 1081 Belgrade Yugoslavia
Ghazi A. Karim
Dept. of Mech & Manuf Eng Univ. of Calgary, 2500 University Drv., N.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N IN4
Irisali Khidirov
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 100214 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
F. K. Knoche
Lehrstuhl für Tech. Thermodynamik RWTH-Aachen, D52056 Aachen, Germany
Peter Lehman
Schatz Energy Research Center Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA 95521-8299, USA
Roy McAlister
American Hydrogen Association 1739 W. 7th Ave. Mesa Arizona 85202-1906, U.S.A.
Arnold Miller
Vehicle Projects Inc. 200 Violet Street, Suite 100 Golden, CO 80401, USA
Rommel Marquis Oates
Houston, Texas
Joan M. Ogden
Ctr. Energy & Environmental Studies Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544 U.S.A.
Ericson De Paula
1251 Memorial Drive, Room 510 University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33146-0620, U.S.A
Attilio Pigneri
Private Bag 102 904, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
Oumarou Savadogo
Laboratoire de Electrochimie et de Materiaux Energetiques Ecole Polytechnue de Montreal, C. P. 6079, succ. Centre-Ville, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3C 3A7
Ulrich Schmidtchen
Deutcher Wassestoff-Verband Unter. den Eichen 87 D-12205 Germany
P. Joseph Sebastian
Centro de Investigacion en Energia UNAM, 62580 Tomixco Morelos, Mexico
Dr. S. A. Sherif
Liquefaction Director, Wayne K. and Lyla L. Masur HVAC Laboratory 232 MAE-B, P.O. Box 116300, Gainesville, Florida 32611-6300, U.S.A.
Chris Sorrell
School of Materials Sci. & Eng. University of New South Wales Sydney, NSW 2052 Australia
Meyer Steinberg
Brookhaven National Laboratory Building 457B, Upton NY11973-5000, U.S.A.
Suilma M. Fernandez Valverde
Depto. De Quimica Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares A.P. 18-1027 Mexico D.F. C.P. 1181 Mexico
Hugo Vandenborre
VCST Hydrogen Systems N.V. Brugstraat 45/1, B-2300 Turnhout Belgium
Ashok K. Vijh
Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Quebec (IREQ) 1800 Blvd. Lionel Boulet, Varennes, Quebec, Canada J3X IST
Da-Yung Wang
369, Wen-Hua Rd., Peetow, Changhua 52345, Chinese Taipei
I. Wierzba
Ctr. Energy Studies Bangladesh Univ. Eng. & Tech. Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh
Hussien K Abdel-Aal
Bragi Arnason
John O'M Bockris
Tapan Bose
Gibril S. Eljrushi
James E. Funk
Shoichi Furuhama
Victor A. Goltsov
Lijun Jiang
Terry Kimmel
Valeriy A. Legasov
Stanislav Malyshenko
Cesare Marchetti
Anibal Martinez
Tokio Ohta
Jean Pottier
Alexander Protsenko
Richard E. Rocheleau
Vladimir D. Rusanov
Jacques Saint-Just
Yasukazu Saito
Myopore V.C. Sastri
David Sanborn Scott
Thorsteinn I. Sigfusson
Walter Seifritz
Alexander K. Stuart
Onkar N. Srivastava
Patrick Takahashi
Willian D. Van Vorst
Kurt H. Weil
Carl-Jochen Winter
Ya-jie Zhu
Argentina - Asociacion Argentina del Hidrogeno
Website: http://www.aah2.org.arPresident: Juan Carlos BolcichAddress: Pichincha 143 (1609) Boulogne, Buenos AiresTel: +54 2944 523 745Fax:
Australia - Australian Association for Hydrogen Energy
Website: http://www.hydrogenaustralia.orgPresident: Andrew DicksAddress: LC Engineering, 225 Brisbane Terrace, Goodna, QLD 4300, AustraliaTel: +61 7 34362500Fax:
Brazil - LACTEC (Institute of Technology and Development)
Website: http://www.lactec.org.br/President: Henrique Jose Ternes NetoAddress: Centro Politécnico da UFPR Po Box 19067 Curitiba Paraná 81531-980Tel: +55 41 267-5155Fax:
Canada - The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
Website: http://www.chfca.caPresident: Eric DenhoffAddress: Suite 900 – 1188 West Georgia St., Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2 Canada.Tel: 604-756-2126Fax: 604-756-2125
China - China Association for Hydrogen Energy
Website:President: Zong Qiang MaoAddress: Institute Nuclear Energy Tech, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R. ChinaTel: +86 10-6218-0145Fax:
Chinese Taipei - IAHE Taiwan Chapter
Website:President: Chiu-Yue LinAddress: Green Energy Development Center Feng Chia University 100 Wenhwa Rd., Seatwen, Taichung, Chinese Taipei 40724Tel: +886 (4) 24 51 7250 ext 3030Fax:
European Union - European Hydrogen Association
Website: http://www.h2euro.orgPresident: Lars Sjunnesson (Sydkraft, Sweden)Address: European Hydrogen Association, Gulledelle 98, 1200 Bruxelles, BelgiumTel: 32 2 763 25 61Fax: 32 2 772 50 44
France - French Hydrogen Association
Website: http://www.afh2.org/f/index.phpPresident: Thierry AlleauAddress: Association Francaise de l'Hydrogene 28 rue Saint Dominique - 75007 Paris, FranceTel: 33 (0)1 53 59 02 11Fax: 33 (0)1 53 59 02 29
Germany - German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell association (DWV)
Website: http://www.dwv-info.de/e/index.htmlPresident: Dr. Rolf EwaldAddress: German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, GermanyTel: (+49-700) 49376 835Fax: (+49-700) 49376 329
Hungary - Hungarian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
Website: http://www.hfc-hungary.orgPresident: Jozsef MargitfalviAddress: 1122 Budapest, Magyar jakobinusok tere 7Tel: +36303434269, +3612142993Fax: +3612142992
Hungary - Hungary Chapter of Hydrogen Energy (under formation)
Website:President: Erno Balogh and Zsolt TofalvyAddress: Csaba u. 18/B. H-1122 Budapest, HungaryTel: 36 (30) 996-8867Fax: 36 (1) 355-4616
Iceland - North Atlantic Hydrogen Association (NAHA)
Website: http://newenergy.is/en/naha/President: Jón Björn SkúlasonAddress: P.O. Box 8192, 128 Reykjavík, IcelandTel: +354 588 0310Fax: +354 588 0315
India - Hydrogen Association of India
Website: http://www.hai.org.in/President: R. K. MalhotraAddress: IOC R&D Centre, Sector-13, Faridabad 121007, IndiaTel: 91-129-2284420Fax: 91-129-2292009
India - Indian Association for Hydrogen Energy and Advanced Materials
Website: http://www.iaheam.org/President: S.M.A. ShibliAddress: Department of Chemistry, Karyavattom Campus, University of Kerala, Thiruvanathapuram, 695 581, Kerala, IndiaTel: 91- 854-7067230Fax:
Indonesia - The Indonesia Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy (IFHE)
Website: https://ifhe.or.id/President: Prof. Dr-Eng. Eniya Listiani DewiAddress: Gd.224 PUSPIPTEK Area, South Tangerang, 15314, IndonesiaTel: 62 (21) 75791324Fax:
Italy - Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (H2IT)
Website: http://www.h2it.org/President: Aldo Fumagalli RomarioAddress: Piazzale R. Morandi 2 (FAST bld.) 20121 Milano, ItalyTel: +39 02 777 90312Fax: +39 02 782 485
Japan - Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan (HESS)
Website: http://www.hess.jp/President: Hideo KameyamaAddress: 7-3-5 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 240-8501, JapanTel: +8-3-5841-6157Fax: +8-3-5841-8838
Malaysia - The Malaysian Association of Hydrogen Energy (MAHE)
Website:President: Prof. Dr. Wan Ramli Wan DaudAddress: Fuel Cell Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, MalaysiaTel: ( 603)8911 8418 ( 601)9387 6267Fax: ( 603)8925 6024
Mexico - Mexican Hydrogen Society
Website:President: Dr. Arturo Fernandez M.Address:Tel: (01) 56229705Fax:
Netherlands - Dutch Hydrogen Association
Website: https://www.nwba.nlPresident: William van NiekerkAddress: Mailbox 2162, 3800 CD Amersfoort, The NetherlandsTel: 31 (0)6 5145 2034Fax:
Norway - Norwegian Hydrogen Association
Website: http://www.hydrogen.no/President: Helle B. MostadAddress: Norsk Hydro ASA, Hydro Energy, 0240 Oslo, NorwayTel: (+47) 37 25 31 37Fax: (+47) 37 25 30 01
Pakistan - Pakistan Chapter for Hydrogen Energy
Website:President: Syed Zafar IlyasAddress: Department of Physics University of Balochistan, Quetta, PakistanTel:Fax:
Poland - Polish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
Website: http://www.hydrogen.edu.pl/President: Janina MolendaAddress: Bobrecka 29 str., 43-400 Cieszyn, PolandTel: 48 12 617 25 22Fax: 48 12 617 25 22
Romania - Romanian Association for Hydrogen Energy
Website: http://www.h2romania.roPresident: Ioan Stefanescu, CEO: Ioan IordacheAddress: Uzinei Street, No. 4, Rm. Valcea, RomaniaTel: 0040740008695Fax: 0040250732746
Russia - Russian National Hydrogen Energy Association
Website: http://www.hydrogen.edu.pl/President: Peter B. ShelischAddress: Sretensky Boulevard 6/1, Bld 1, Office 72, Moscow 101000, RussiaTel: +7 (499) 129-8414Fax: +7 (495) 928 41 76
Scotland - Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association
Website: http://www.shfca.org.uk/President: Dr Nigel HolmesAddress: SHFCA, Energy Technology Centre, East Kilbride, G75 0QF, Scotland, UKTel: +44 (0)7818 091466Fax:
South Africa - South African Hydrogen Association- SAHA
Website: http://www.h2.org.za/President: Bruno G. Pollet, Dmitri Bessarabov & Gordon FreerAddress: Lund & Kieck Unit 7, Gardens Business Park, Ateljee Street, Randpark Ridge, 2169 Lund & Kieck P.O. Box 659, Randpark Ridge, 2156Tel: +27(0)11 794 9407 (Gordon Freer)Fax: +27(0)11 794 9408
South Korea - Korean National RD&D Organization for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Website: http://www.h2fc.or.kr/eng/index.phpPresident: Dr. Seong-Ahn HongAddress: Korea National RD&D Organization for Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, Located in the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hawol-Gok-Dong 39-1, Seong-Buk-Gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Zip Code: 136-791Tel: 82-2-958-6660Fax: 82-2-958-6659
Spain - Spanish Hydrogen Association
Website: http://aeh2.org/en/President: Javier Brey SánchezAddress: Sector Embarcaciones, 24 - Local 5 Tres Cantos 28760 Madrid Spain.Tel: +34.654.80.20.50Fax: +34.91.771.0854
Sweden - Hydrogen Sweden
Website: http://www.vatgas.se/President: Björn AronssonAddress: Drottninggatan 21, SE-411 14 Gothenburg, SwedenTel: +46-31-334 37 75Fax: +46-31-711 77 70
Switzerland - Swiss Hydrogen Association
Website: http://www.hydropole.ch/Hydropole/home/index.htmPresident: Andreas ZüttelAddress: Universität Fribourg, Physik partement Pérolles, CH-1700 Fribourg, SchweizTel: ( 41) 26 300 9086Fax: ( 41) 26 300 9747
Ukraine - Ukrainian Association for Hydrogen Energy (UAHE)
Website: http://uahe.net.ua/President: Viacheslav ZgonnikAddress: Nohina st. 14/kv.23, Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovs'ka 50014, UkraineTel: 33650479592Fax:
United Kingdom - Clean Energy Educational Trust: Hydrogen Powered World
Website: http://www.hydrogen.co.uk/President: Peter ChambersAddress: Hydrogen World Ltd 77, Bastwick Street London EC1V 3PZ UKTel:Fax:
United Kingdom - Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA)
Website: http://www.shfca.org.ukPresident: John LidderdaleAddress: The Hydrogen Office, Ajax Way, Methil, Fife KY8 3RS, U.K.Tel: +44 (0)7818 091466Fax:
United Kingdom - UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association
Website: http://www.fuelcellsuk.org/President: Celia GreavesAddress: c/o Synnogy, Church Barn, Fullers Close, Aldwincle, Northants, NN14 3UUTel: 0122 396 9790Fax:
United States - AHA Northwest Chapter
Website: http://www.ahanw.org/President: Abe FouhyAddress: 1500 E 2nd Street, Newberg, Oregon 97132, U.S.A.Tel: (360) 635-0336Fax:
United States - AHA Silicon Valley Chapter
Website: http://www.ahasvc.org/President: John GottholdAddress: Palo Alto, California, U.S.A.Tel: (408) 245-6056Fax:
United States - American Hydrogen Association (AHA)
Website: http://www.clean-air.org/President: Roy Edward McAlisterAddress: P.O. Box 4205, Mesa, AZ 85201, U.S.A.Tel: (480) 234-5070Fax:
United States - Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)
Website: http://www.fchea.org/President: Morry B. MarkowitzAddress: 1211 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A.Tel: (202) 261-1331Fax:
IAHE Biohydrogen Division
Division President: Prof. Dr. Shu-Yii WUAddress: 100 Whenhua road, Seatwen, Taichung 407, Chinese TaipeiTel: +886-4 24517250 #3679 or 3000
IAHE Codes and Standards Division
Division President: Jinyang ZhengAddress: Zhejiang University, 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou, 310027, P. R. ChinaTel: +86 571 87952110Division Secretary: Chaohua GuAddress: Zhejiang University, 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou, 310027, P. R. ChinaTel: +86 571 87953065
IAHE Fuel Cell Division
President: To be announced shortly.Address: University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 CanadaTel: +1 5198884567, ext. 36843 Address: State Key Laboratory of Engines, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, ChinaTel: +86 2227404469
IAHE Green Hydrogen Division
Division President: Bruno G. PolletAddress: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), 3351 Boulevard des Forges, Trois-Rivières, Québec G9A 5H7, CanadaTel: +1 819 668 5926
IAHE Hydrogen Energy Systems Division
Website: http://www.iahe-hyes.orgDivision President: Giuseppe SpazzafumoAddress: Via Vico Fiaschi 67, 54033 Avenza (MS), ItalyTel: +39 3286585439Division Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Antonio ValenteAddress: IMDEA Energy, Spain
IAHE Hydrogen Safety Division
Division President: Andrei V. TchouvelevAddress: 6591 Spinnaker Circle, Mississauga, Ontario, L5W 1R2 CanadaTel: +1 905 696 7007Fax: +1 905 696 7007Division Secretary: Benno WeinbergerAddress: INERIS, France
IAHE Hydrogen Storage Division
Division President: Yun Hang HuAddress: Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 4993, U.S.A.Tel: +1 906 487 2261Division Secretary/Treasurer: Loredana ValenzanoAddress: Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 4993, U.S.A.Tel: +1 906 487 1602
Autonomous University of Mexico
Faculty Advisor: Edgar Jesus Borja ArcoChapter President: Juan Antonio GutierrezChapter Vice President: Sergio Alfonso Romo Rios
British University in Egypt
Faculty Advisor: Ahmad MohammadChapter President: Ahmad MohammadChapter Vice President: Islam Orban
Ege University
Faculty Advisor: Nuri Azbar
Erciyes University
Faculty Advisor: Selahaddin Akansu
IIT Bombay
Faculty Advisor: Pratibha SharmaChapter President: Binayak RoyChapter Vice President: Amit Bhosale
IIT Delhi
Faculty Advisor: L.M. DasChapter President: Rohit SinghChapter Vice President: Jayakrishnan K.
IIT Kampur
Faculty Advisor: D.P. Mishra
Imperial College London
Faculty Advisor: Klaus HellgardtChapter President: Yousef M. Alshammari
Istanbul Technical University
Faculty Advisor: Figen Kadirgan
Oakland University
Faculty Advisor: Xia Wang
Penn State University
Faculty Advisor: Sergui Lvov
Princeton University
Faculty Advisor: Jay Benziger
Stark State College
Faculty Advisor: Vern Sproat
Tsinghua University
Faculty Advisor: Z.Q. Mao
University of Georgia
Faculty Advisor: Ramaraja RamasamyChapter President: Robert John WainrightChapter Vice President: Yan Zhou
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Faculty Advisor: Matthew MenchChapter President: Ozgur CekmerChapter Vice President: Yasser Ashraf Gandomi
Yerevan State University
Faculty Advisor: Armen TrchounianChapter President: Karen TrchounianChapter Vice President: Harutyun Sargsyan
Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaFaculty Advisor: Dr. Faisal Zia SiddiquiPresident: Ahmad ZamirVice President: Ayesha Khan
Autonomous University of Mexico
Mexico City, MexicoFaculty Advisor: Edgar Jesus Borja ArcoPresident: Daniel CanoVice President: Sergio Alfonso Romo Rios
British University in Egypt
El Sherouk, Cairo, EgyptFaculty Advisor & President: Islam Mahmoud Al-AkraaVice President: Zeinab Ahmed
Ege University
Bornova, Izmir, TurkeyFaculty Advisor: Nuri Azbar
Erciyes University
Kayseri, TurkeyFaculty Advisor: Selahaddin Akansu
IIT Bombay
Mumbai, Maharashtra, IndiaFaculty Advisor: Pratibha SharmaPresident: Binayak RoyrVice President: Amit Bhosale
IIT Delhi
Hauz Khas, Delhi, IndiaFaculty Advisor: L.M. DasPresident: Rohit SinghVice President: Jayakrishnan K.
IIT Kampur
Kampur, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaFaculty Advisor: D.P. Mishra
Imperial College London
London, U.K.Faculty Advisor: Klaus HellgardtPresident: Yousef M. Alshammari
Istanbul Technical University
Istanbul, TurkeyFaculty Advisor: Figen Kadirgan
Oakland University
Auburn Hills and Rochester Hills, Michigan, U.S.A.Faculty Advisor: Xia Wang
Penn State University
State College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.Faculty Advisor: Sergui Lvov
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.AFaculty Advisor: Jay Benziger
Stark State College
North Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.Faculty Advisor: Vern Sproat
Tsinghua University
Beijing, ChinaFaculty Advisor: Z.Q. Mao
Universidad de Ingenieria y Tecnologia
Jr. Medrano Silva 165. Barranco, Lima, PeruFaculty Advisor: Jose Cesar Ramos SaraviaPresident: Milton Bozzo-CubasVice President: Vladimir Carrera-Parraga
University of Georiga
Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.Faculty Advisor: Ramaraja RamasamyPresident: Robert John WainrightVice President: Yan Zhou
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.Faculty Advisor: Matthew MenchPresident: Yasser Ashraf Gandomi
Yerevan State University
Erevan, ArmeniaFaculty Advisor: Armen TrchounianPresident: Karen TrchounianVice President: Harutyun Sargsyan